
Yesterday told me I was old and past my years, that senility had gotten the best of me. He showed me, my wrinkled skin,

my hair turned from raven black to wolf grey. Showed me how people can pop into my life

and suddenly be gone, strangers with familiar faces. Yesterday

said the clock is always right twice but that doesn’t mean I was wrong about many things. “Trust your gut, kid” he said.

I’ll speak with Tomorrow and she’ll say I’ll be full of possibilities, questions, doubts.

A being once lost, now profound. She’ll say I’m fluid yet constant, as organized as chaos.

A river flowing perpetually and as still as a mountain. Finally, Today says Yesterday and Tomorrow aren’t real.

Tells me to enjoy here and now No worry about past or future.

A cloud floating the harmonious sky.

A frog resting on a lilypad. I should be present.