Neurodivergence, Queerness, Anarchy!
“In the clear, critical light of day, illusory administrators whisper of our need for institutions, and all institutions are political, and all politics is correctional, so it seems we need correctional institutions in the common, settling it, correcting us. But we won’t stand corrected. Moreover, incorrect as we are there’s nothing wrong with us. We don’t want to be correct and we won’t be corrected.”
Notes On Musical Order
Siren Song:
This is the one song everyone would like to learn
The song that is irresistible
The song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons
Even though they see the beached skulls
The song nobody knows because anyone who has heard it is dead
And the others can’t remember
Shall I tell you the secret?
And if I do, will you get me out of this bird suit?
Music & Trance
Music in its Relations to Emotional, Communal, and Shamanic Trances:
“The role of the music is much less to produce the trance than to create conditions favorable to its onset, to regularize its form, and to ensure that instead of being a merely individual, unpredictable, and uncontrollable phenomenon, it becomes, on the contrary, predictable, controlled, and at the service of the group...”
John Coltranes Circle of Fifths:

We know about Coltrane’s Circle of Fifths because of an interaction with Yusef Lateef in 1967. Coltrane gave Lateef the drawing, and then Lateef included it in his book Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns. The Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns is a 280-page book of scales, patterns, and licks that serve as a list of jazz patterns. For Lateef, Coltrane’s Circle of Fifths symbolizes his musical journey. He adds that Coltrane “embraced the concerns of a rich tradition of autophysiopsychic music.” For Lateef, the autophysiopsychic was “music from one’s physical, mental and spiritual self.”