Queers Gone Wild
Very happy to see so many colorful icons hanging out for the conversation yesterday.
We're going to continue with Baedan and will be chatting about the section “Queers Gone Wild” next Saturday the 17th at 6pm CST. See you then
a ni.hil.ist reading group – meetings as scheduled
Very happy to see so many colorful icons hanging out for the conversation yesterday.
We're going to continue with Baedan and will be chatting about the section “Queers Gone Wild” next Saturday the 17th at 6pm CST. See you then
For next week (Apr 10th) we will be reading a section from the Baedan 1 – journal of queer nihilism. Specifically, the section “The Anti-Social Turn”.
This far the book has been an (differently) inspiring and informative read, with some interesting provocations and perhaps some ideas we can bring into our own lives. I would hand it to anyone who is beginning to look beyond the spectacular politics of hope, or who may be tired of the same old moralizing participatory pandering.
On Saturday the 3rd we will be finishing up our engagement with this book, though certainly not it’s ideas. See you then :)
For the next two weeks of reading group we will be reading Blessed is the Flame.
Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the secret fastness of the heart. Blessed is the heart with strength to stop its beating for honor’s sake. Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame.
On Saturday the 27th we will be reading up to and including the section titled Spontaneous resistance & Time stopping right before Organizations and Major Uprisings.
#nrg (https://chi.st/nrg) is moving along to new pieces!
Before we begin on something new I'd like to have a day where we meet and have some meta-conversations, such as; scheduling stuff, reading group queue suggestions, vague topics of interest, and whatever else!
I'd like to invited people who haven't been to a reading group session but would like to to come and chime in as well! We're very friendly and if it sounds interesting we'd love to have you :)
So on Sunday March 21st at 6 pm CST we will meet over jitsi and chat! See you then :)
Reading group today!
We will be wrapping up with the last 40 pages of the Unique and its Property and this reading group will serve as the finale to this book as well. If you've read it, participated in reading group at some point, or are just feeling like it you're invited to join! We are meeting at 6pm CST today.
Bring your thoughts of individuality, egoism, ownness and the unique! I look forward to hearing from you :)
Email (bugs) Ⓐni.hil.ist for the jitsi room link.
“My thoughts ‘n’ oughts are nothing fixed”
Well well well well well well...
Lovely to hear from every one again <3 Another one down!
Next week we are wrapping up The Unique and its Property!! Our specific portion of reading will cover the final 2 sections, however I'd like to invite anyone who has read it, or read some section of it to come by and chat about the book as a whole as well as Stirner's ideas generally.
Either the following Saturday or the one after that we will have a meta discussion to figure out where to go next and some organizational points, so clear your schedules ;)