May 1st
Reading group today at 6pm CST!
Our conversation will orbit around the topic of May Day, and a few other things. Find out more, /nrg/may-day!
As always, email (bugs) Ⓐ for the jitsi room link.
Reading group today at 6pm CST!
Our conversation will orbit around the topic of May Day, and a few other things. Find out more, /nrg/may-day!
As always, email (bugs) Ⓐ for the jitsi room link.
Serendipitously (or perhaps not) our next reading group date falls on May the 1st! Because of that, we will be doing something a bit different than previous sessions. Rather than reading from a specific text or confining ourselves to a textual focus at all, we will be responding to the question,
“What does anarchism, or anarchy mean to you?”
Our desire is for people to respond to this in any way they see fit, be it through story, poem, song, discussion, art, silence, or anything else. Similarly, feel free to take it in a definitional or sentimental direction. Rather than being a show-and-tell of sorts, we'd like for this to be more akin to a chaotic dinner party, where the focus is on enjoyment rather than any other formality. And of course, you are encouraged to bring guests!
Because we are a reading group we couldn't resist offering up at least one piece of optional reading: The Witch's Child.
As always, we will be meeting on jitsi at 6PM CST. You can email (bugs) Ⓐ for the jitsi room link, or get it from a friend.
Very happy to see so many colorful icons hanging out for the conversation yesterday.
We're going to continue with Baedan and will be chatting about the section “Queers Gone Wild” next Saturday the 17th at 6pm CST. See you then
For next week (Apr 10th) we will be reading a section from the Baedan 1 – journal of queer nihilism. Specifically, the section “The Anti-Social Turn”.
This far the book has been an (differently) inspiring and informative read, with some interesting provocations and perhaps some ideas we can bring into our own lives. I would hand it to anyone who is beginning to look beyond the spectacular politics of hope, or who may be tired of the same old moralizing participatory pandering.
On Saturday the 3rd we will be finishing up our engagement with this book, though certainly not it’s ideas. See you then :)