
In Consistency of The Proposals a natural reaction to a very unnatural event

by Corpus Cantopen

What is absolutely true? The self-defense parody reveals so many masks that struggle to destroy others. To the following sense of skepticism about emergent personal connectivity in any form, a desire for hollow hope is a natural humane response. This so-called sorrow is where all the psychoanalytic tenets tend to ”a chapter of anxiety”.[1] I saw tears barely able to fall from their eyes, while their smiles revealed the essence of the unspoken pain. A word was spoken: “A natural reaction to a very unnatural event.”[2] –[LK]

”... the capability for self-reflexion[3] is one of the most prominent treatment effects in psychoanalysis that results in on-going symptom reduction and resilience. The most prominent differentiation lies in the utilization of technical neutrality.”

Today, a conception is just what we would expect from somebody who came up with ideas by no means, but all of a sudden, immensely clever. The gods arise in every day's life. What will we be able to say about the mountain while we are humans? Let it say whatever it wants. To the understanding of life, nobody notices it, but the grotesque befalls the I.

Wild grasses rustle over Babi Yar, The trees look sternly, as if passing judgement. Here, silently, all screams, and, hat in hand, I feel my hair changing shade to gray.

And I myself, like one long soundless scream Above the thousands of thousands interred, I’m every old man executed here, As I am every child murdered here. [BABI YAR[4], by Yevgeni Yevtushenko, translated by Benjamin Okopnik]

How would we describe the world of a celebrated life? There have been numerous dreadful runs up against such blunders, almost all of which have resulted in the worthy speaking. One needs logic; “we are all fools.” Instead, how should it evolve to learn how to perceive feelings as the inner laws that guide our thoughts, most notably compassion for the living?

“Can all of this be intentionally designed in new ways to maximize the health and happiness of everyone involved?” –[parenthesiseye[5]]

A reward seems to be the most desired goal for the lives of humans. Shaping all the shadows underneath to contemplate what is to be meditated on in our moving breath. A child cries and runs for wildflowers in the variety of imagination. In many dangerous situations, however, the threat of being helpless at the mercy of love has simply vanished.

“Love was attacked as a manifestation of love itself.”[6] Repression compelled those who came before to remain motionless, a kind of unity as opposed to alienation as a new false reality.

Behind the digital screen, over speechless, aggressive feelings, I resultant the unconscious separation in any expression. Nothingness cannot be described by a word. An eye captured the moving virtual painfully. A warm season blanketed the entire night in all wishes; a story transformed the deepest heart into “a great storm”[7] of human wars and frozen feelings.

*footnotes: [1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4610616/ [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgAp-KrCxM0 [3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24005940/ [4] https://remember.org/witness/babiyar [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQHLY2zmg7I [6] https://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/165freud.html [7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykMYbNSfWQo

In Every Virtue the entity obtains love and compassion

by Corpus Cantopen

Many stories have used absolute judgment and isolation, and when the best option I have is to stay alive, I choose to isolate myself. But I see that the laws, as a rule, are randomly made up of many interpretations. Therein lies our freedom to choose which path we need to use if any one suits us. In this condition, I have decided to believe what others have told me or what I should see in their eyes without interpreting it as a fixated answer but a way of life.

My anxiety about how I'm explaining logic and morality as non-issues stems from the fact that I'm dealing with a mood condition that doesn't respond to love and compassion, which is a non-sense for any reason. It interferes with perceptions and emotions. An individual uses a distinct causal mechanism to arrive at the intended result.

In determining how to see things happening on purpose for a range of reasons based on status, I can scarcely distinguish between the forms of social standards that have evolved but turned into prejudice, as the ethics states they have the same impact in one definition. Here, being ashamed is just another symptom of creating “The Phantom of the Opera.”[1]

An explanation in first-order logic, whether spontaneous or impromptu, tries to keep the language expressed as plain as possible. A complicated claim is approaching, as shown by the use of tense in presumed expressions. A canzone was related to “will arguments”[2] as temporal expressions that are strong enough to stab in mind areas. Furthermore, the logic and moral issues are shown with “the double standard.”[3]

In a very belated experience of dealing with chaotic and healing in hell situations, many actual things happened, and I had a direct contemplation of myself in detail. Do we really need a “positive-negative”[4] category in seeing individuality without knowing their daily life?

What I sense as the meaning behind the words “body, mind, and soul” is an improvisation action as a practical survival strategy in the now. In healthy acquires, I am a possibility.

What is the difference between virtual and physical activities? How do these actions help us to understand the terms of movement in body language? How to practice letting go of everything that happens in order to save both the worst and best memories without prejudice and judgment? To define yourself with “self-critical thoughts in fantasy and experimental fields”[5] such as common exams, by “the evidence of survival positivity.”[6]

È gentilezza dovunqu’è vertute, ma non vertute ov’ella, sì com’è ’l cielo dovunque’è la stella, ma ciò non e converso… Dunque verrà come dal nero il perso chiascheduna vertute da costei, o vero il gener lor, ch’io misi avanti [Le dolci rime, Dante Alighieri]

*footnotes: [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDNPJMnaypA [2] https://www.labroots.com/trending/neuroscience/15642/does-free-will-exist-neuroscientists-debunk-argument-against-free-will [3] https://arizonaforensics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Cog-Distort-Untwist.pdf [4] https://www.simplypsychology.org/psychosexual.html [5] https://autonomies.org/2021/05/amedeo-bertolo-the-utopian-function-in-the-anarchist-imaginary/ [6] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcH88mypS7I

A Way of Performance Artist Life creo quia absurdum est

by Corpus Cantopen

A way of life, it is a whole of anything that develops a personality. What is freedom? Naturally, the fixed patterns are not recognized by the conscious mind. A present moment testifies, deepens, and intrigues as a mirror of simplicity, that so-called “creo quia absurdum est” as my new step after the trapezoid, before it all went into the skeleton of the dust. What is time?

“If the night breathes deeply I, stutter to delete the memories” [“Sitting On The Rocks”[1], Okty Budiati, 2018]

From the actual reflection, a repetitive arises spontaneously. Until one day, I thought I had found another edge for free falls. Yet, the results of a quality life are extraordinary. A space where I feel warm and encouraged. Positive energy is able to be transferred and manifested by the virtual connection remotely.

The living of Maya as its body works on “Human Individuality”[2] is captured as my personal experience of “Nonviolent Communication”[3] in different ways across time and space. If I may say so clearly, nothing is new in the way of searching for oneself. And, in my presence to see what is original and natural, the living floating of life is a deep unfolding of a very fair existence.

A word needs connectivity to be related in practice. The Living Practice: “While we may not consider the way we talk to be ‘violent,’ words often lead to hurt and pain, whether for others or ourselves.” [“Marshall Rosenberg”[4]]

I see that “I”[5] entered another dimension of nothingness with many stars’ sparling as the atoms of spirit. These true events were not spooks! A real activity in snitching the meaning of “compassionate” instead of a word. A complete strait is contained within an organic instrument. A strategy of sonic censoring the waves like an ocean This matter will be helpful to me in surface scenes. I am alive; therefore, I feel I need to restart my cognition[6].

Lass Dich fallen. Lerne Schlangen zu beobachten. Pflanze unmögliche Gärten. Lade jemand Gefährliches zum Tee ein. Mache kleine Zeichen die “ja” sagen und verteile sie überall in Deinem Haus. Werde ein Freund von Frieheit und Unsicherheiten. Freue Dich auf Träume. Weine bei Kinofilmen. Schaukel so hoch Du kannst mit einer Schaukel bei Mondlicht. Pflege verschiedene Stimmungen. Verweiger Dich “verantwortlich” zu sein. TU ES AUS LIEBE. Mach eine Menge Nickerchen. Gib Geld weiter. Mach es jetzt. Das Geld wird folgen. Lache eine Menge. Bade im Mondlicht. Träume wilde, phantasievolle Träume. Zeichne auf die Wände. Lies jeden Tag. Stell Dir vor, Du wärst verzaubert. Kicher mit Kindern. Höre alten Leuten zu. Öffne Dich. Tauche ein. Sei frei. Preise Dich selbst. Lass die Angst fallen. Spiele mit allem. Unterhalte das Kind in Dir. Du bist unschuldig. Baue eine Burg aus Decken. Werde nass. Umarme Bäume. Schreibe Liebesbriefe. [“Poem by Joseph Beuys”[7]]

Answering a number of processes based on observations of the current situation, a nearly continuous flow of personal life is modeled with such high-resolution imaging of individuality measurement activities. It is already becoming the blood while our body is the great satellite of the vessel. I dream about floating life as a beautiful city of compassion. “Venus’s mud”[8] undergoing “atmospheric transformation.”[9]

I stated that the nothingness in every present is like a frozen moment of time. A crystalized its abstractions between love and war as a personal political process to stimulate acknowledgement of the emotions' effects on my body in an anarchist way.

It is only the perception of change that enriches and arouses the tenderness of species in connection with all species in the universe:
“The effects of weeping are usually seen in the contraction of the muscles and tears, which raises attention as a sign of preparation for fighting. This expression is smooth without a sound that corners us with suffering, whose determination is so deeply illustrated.” [“On Freedom of Suffering”[10], Okty Budiati, 2022]

I rejected the concept of being abusive and destructive, and I found myself as an alien in a world that valued abuses and harshness. The much more elaborate, narrower and deeper labyrinth has become my basis, the freedom to choose a way of life.

*footnotes: [1] https://thepaganpoetry.wordpress.com/ [2] https://steinerlibrary.org/Books/04/GPP1916/Chapter_07.html [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sjA90hvnQ0 [4] https://www.nonviolentcommunication.com/ [5] https://p302.zlibcdn.com/dtoken/8d500051b8e425d63446b35963ee1f20 [6] https://chi.st/zisbnoc/a-reflection-of-emotions [7] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrgzXhIQ-dk [8] https://www.marssociety.org/topics/venus/ [9] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQi-Pj59ZJA [10] https://ghostlogwisp.blogspot.com/2022/04/on-freedom-of-suffering.html

A Reflection of Emotions as the greatest suffering and illusion of individuality

by Corpus Cantopen

“Finding someone to love is not the solution to loneliness. The solution is to learn to love yourself—your loneliness will only be a memory.” [Intimate Connection, David D. Burns]

Here, I will try to read what has become my point of view through David D. Burns on the meaning of cognition in terms of words like “factual” and “truth”. How would we interpret these words in our daily lives as individuals? I had to emphasize “love” as a word because it led me to an absurd conclusion.

In regards to the sense of feelings into an emotional[1] reality, about loneliness based on marital status, which he called an Intimate Connection, so my question is, how important is a relationship in human life?

In my opinion, the “Harem Principle”[2] is more related to the path of social life than to its complexities. Rather than “love” itself as a word and action. From here, my concern turns to the thought of a connection in every individual, which tends to be the great illusion of the material circle as a mutual connection in the universe.

While the connection needs both physical and personal experience to create a memory, this leads us to a sense of being secure and insecure. Then this comes into contradistinction. How do we learn to understand and maintain the love of “thyself” or “yourself”? And how does loneliness become our great emotion as an effort?

I see that relationship in a circle of life as having no future, but it’s about the “process” and “progress” until we are able to have some sense of needs as Feeling Good.

Culture is not an absolute answer, but language is, with both literature and body language as its boundaries. I called this a psychosomatic symptom of civilization as an unfinished human study. From a scientific standpoint, it appears that behavior study has hit a significant stumbling block between learning the social literature language as psychology and the innovation of psychopharmacology as our foundation.

My big question after reading two books by David D. Burns is whether the word “depression” as a human condition is actually a correct word? Therefore, are antidepressants and a certain way of psychotherapy fixated on the evaluation of love and loneliness because life is about sensing emotions in suffering as a process itself?

I will summarize my final understanding of observing social conditions during the pandemic with the IPT: “A therapist should help the patient identify any interpersonal issues he or she wants to address, and rank them in order of importance. The therapist should also offer support regarding clarification of issues, communication analysis, and supportive listening.”[3] This became my initial reference to explore David D. Burns' thoughts in the field of emotion and psychotherapy in the following human study in “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.”[4]

A contemplated act in meditating the self, as I called it, the Great Silence, reminds me of 4’33.[5]

*footnotes: [1] https://emotion.wisc.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1353/2020/11/Cannon_1927AmJPsych.pdf [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harem [3] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapy-types/interpersonal-psychotherapy [4] https://soundcloud.com/user-274229294/cognitive-behavioral-therapy [5] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTEFKFiXSx4